What do we have to do?
To become, be or remain good, it is important to think and judge practically. So that others can also work and live well. But that does not happen without the use of common sense. Or better the “sensus communis.” That is, sense the people around you, and then consider what, in the here and now, is important to them, to family members, the people on your team or the organization where you work. In short, take time to answer the following question: What do we have to do? to make it better together for the whole.
Common sense or stupidity
Common Sense means the sense or sensation of community. It is about the mind that judges in the sense of community. And not about logical and scientific thinking. For that is but unworldly. AND it causes not only impaired judgment but also theoretical impractible plans. Because logical scientific thinking without common sense, without sensing community, becomes stupidity.
Therefore, good judgment calls for thinking in the here and now. What is going on among people. And that, in turn, allows us to properly determine what is best to do for the community.
Oefeningen en activiteiten
How can you look at the world with common sense and explore what is right, better or best to start doing for the sake of the world around you? The questions, exercises and activities below will help you become more aware of what can be done practically for the common good to solve problems and achieve goals.
- What is important to do when a particular situation arises? What steps should be taken? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a step? Thinking about this from the start makes choosing the best strategy or solution easier the moment something occurs.
- Observe what is around you. Make a note of the facts. And then think about the best thing to do in the current situation. Is it not what you want or is it not what you sense others want? It’s not about that, it’s about what the situation calls for right now. Given the world around you, how do you make the best of it? Accept the situation in which you find yourself. Draw
sensible conclusions, without emotion and without thoughts of what should be. And then get to work! Ignore the “bears along the way” that you may see. And realize: you are allowed to make mistakes! Without mistakes, you don’t learn and you can’t grow.
- Make an inventory of all the ideas for solving a problem or achieving a goal. Give each person involved the floor without arguing. Ask questions for clarification. Choose the best solution only after everyone has given their ideas and there are no more questions.
- What is the right timing to do something and who is the best person to do it? What is the best way to organize and divide your time? Who is the right person to do what, when? All questions you can ask to make the right decisions in the here and now to solve practical problems and realize goals.
- On my website is a listening exercise (in Dutch only) to reflect on the question, What do we have to do? Several questions will be asked to help you examine yourself in the context of a team in which you work. Have pen and paper handy to jot down your thoughts after listening. Stop the exercise to reflect longer on a question and to make brief notes of your thoughts, if necessary. After the exercise, take the time to write down your thoughts and notes made more extensively.
Ingredients for your recipe
Perhaps you have your own exercises or activities that have proven in the past to help you explore what needs to be done for the team or the world around you. I invite you to write these down. All the exercises and activities that help you grow and lead your life and the lives of others are the ingredients for the recipe for personal development.
The reward
The reward for a good examination of the question What do we have to do?
- You become inventive and resourceful in finding practical, achievable solutions;
- You work consistently and on time toward a goal, an end result;
- You see the relationship between cause and effect, plan and result, instruction and task, process and execution;
- You understand which factors are important for the success of an assignment;
- You identify which aspects of a project, process or assignment are in danger of going wrong and intervene independently within your own responsibility;
- You adjust priorities where necessary, react soberly to changes, can improvise quickly, look for realistic alternatives.
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How good are you at answering the question What do we have to do? Take my Quickscan and I’ll get back to you!
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Series on Being Good
When are you a good person? Inspired by Plato, Hartman and evolution, I described my answer to this question in my book Excelling in Freedom | A Recipe for Personal Development. To become, be or remain good, I have formulated six questions. And the six questions are important to develop personally into a good person. Or, that help you stay good. So that you can lead your own life and make a meaningful contribution to the world. These questions, plus exercises and activities, are addressed one by one in the article series: Being Good.
- Part 1 | Who am I?
- Part 2 | Who are the others?
- Part 3 | What steps do I take?
- Part 4 | What do we have to do?
- Part 5 | Where do I want to go?
- Part 6 | What is logical?