Recharge battery without exhausting it?
What is the best way for human beings to recharge their batteries? By seeing the human being not as a battery but as a ...
What is the best way for human beings to recharge their batteries? By seeing the human being not as a battery but as a ...
Retaining staff in times of shortages? 3 tips for managers to keep employees engaged and interested.
"Do you experience stress, get out of balance or are dissatisfied with how your life is turning out: why not investigate for yourself what is going on?" Read about 3 tools to deal with stress and maintain your freedom.
Every person wants to be heard, to be seen and to belong. If employees feel this is not the case they start to feel unhappy. So does the likelihood of illness and absenteeism. There is one quick fix. But it takes guts and discipline.
Barbara showed up at my practice before the summer. Recovering from a stressful period. Work had taken up too much energy. Her current job was too demanding. She was looking for her ideal job. Less ambitious, and with more tranquility and freedom for a social life. In order to restore the work-life balance, she thought. But was that the best solution?
Advanced knowledge of various techniques TA to improve communication and relationships of coachees with others.