Peter Roemeling
“A human being is curious by nature and wants to develop himself’’
Are you, or one of your employees, struggling to choose the right direction or find the right path? Are you, or any of your employees, struggling to answer one or more of the following questions:
➤ Who am I?
➤Where do I want to go?
➤What steps do I take?
➤ How can I develop further?
➤ What is my ideal job?
Then let me coach you. I support people in a path to increase self-knowledge and self-awareness. With this self-knowledge and self-awareness my coachees are able to lead their lives more authentically. They take control and take the right steps towards further development.
Since 1996 I have been active as a coach, consultant and trainer, helping people with their personal development, personal leadership and talent development. I am also the author of the book ‘Excelling in freedom | A recipe for personal development’.
Excelling in freedom’ is a universal recipe for personal development and personal leadership. A recipe to give yourself wings and to rise above yourself. A recipe for adding value to your life, to the organization you work for, to your partners, customers and to the world around you.
I have developed three simple services to find answers to the above questions and personal development questions:
➤ Advice Personal development to see your freedom
➤ Boost Personal development to take your freedom, and
➤ Maintenance Personal development to preserve your freedom.
I am expert, and certified, in applying:
➤ Marston’s DISC behavioral styles;
➤ Drives of Spranger;
➤ Thinking styles of Hartman and derived talents.
Since 2022 I am a member of the Robert S. Hartman Institute, a non-profit which collects, compiles, preserves and protects information concerning formal and applied axiology, including and other works and the laggacy of Robert S. Hartman.