The reason that leads us to the best

In my book, 'Excelling in Freedom | A Recipe for Personal Development', Plato, Socrates, Hartman and evolution show us the way to grow. Stories about the development of six famous people introduce you to six values and thinking styles that are important for every human being to make personal development possible. In Chapter 2, Charles Darwin introduces us to the value and thinking style: the reason that leads us to the best and Self-direction.

2022-05-03T15:34:40+02:00May 3rd, 2022|Personal development, Values|

The acquired opinion which aspires after the best

In my book Excelling in Freedom, I give my vision of personal development. All chapters begin with a storie of the development of a well-known person. In Chapter 3 - What Steps Will I Take? it is the turn of Quejana, better known as the ingenious nobleman Don Quixote of La Mancha. A story about zeal, honor, courage and extrinsic motivation. The example when it comes to having a strong Role Awareness.

2022-05-03T14:35:32+02:00March 2nd, 2022|Personal development, Values|
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