Excelling in freedom

Introduction + Ordering

“This book held up a clear mirror to me when I had been searching for ages for what I really wanted. I couldn’t figure it out. By reading and especially by filling in the scores for each chapter it became clear to me that I was completely out of balance. ….  Time for a different approach with a clear direction … Very nice that this book has led me to such a clear self-insight and approach!”

Review on bol.com from a reader.

A contribution to a more beautiful world

With this book, I hope to inspire you with a vision of personal development. And to encourage you to gain more self-knowledge and become more aware of yourself, so that you can (further) develop yourself. I am convinced that people who are more aware of themselves also become more aware of their surroundings. This has a positive effect on the environment, which changes with them. In this way, you contribute to a more beautiful world.

All chapters invite you to write down the activities that help you to grow. Together they form the ingredients of your recipe for personal development. To become more human, contribute to a more beautiful world, and take small steps to respect and enhance the freedom of others.

Excelling in freedom | A recipe for personal development is a useful and valuable handbook for anyone who needs tools, more structure and appealing examples to give direction to his or her own life. Dive into the lives of famous people and get acquainted with six values for personal development. Based on the visions of well-known philosophers such as Socrates, Hartman, Arendt and Bieri, the book describes why these values are universal for every human being.

Then you can examine to what extent they have meaning for you. With that insight you compose your own recipe for your personal development. Whoever starts working with this, creates for himself the space to ‘Excel in freedom’.


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